Friday, November 02, 2012

Freedom is just another word for...

not having to deal with workplace politics any more.

AAAAAAAAhhhhhhh - give me a hallelujah, because me and workplace politics have had a few tumbles in my time, and I have always walked away with a "never again" resolve...

There is a long version - and if you are a particular friend of mine, I will email you the tome (and some of you already have chapters of it from me - thank the lord for my friends) - but suffice to say, a corner was turned yesterday and, apart from one factor that truly gets me pissed off (very much involving the politics - and in my retelling of events, the word "balls" or rather "lack thereof" are mentioned) I am seeing so many great points to my new found freedom that it isn't all that hard to hand it up to a higher authority and wait for the doors to open (actually - I haven't had to wait - I already have a few doors pointed out to me and beckoned towards).


Debby said...

I need some reading material...send me your tome! I've seen office politics from close up and it is always difficult. I am sure that I will recognize your story, that it's one that has played out time and again, unfortunately.

BB said...

*SLAM* door on that mess closing.
*SILENCE* all those well-oiled doors opening that you haven't even seen yet!