Monday, August 19, 2013

Waxing the Full Moon

What a rather unfortunate title.

It means what it says in regard to the astronomical impact, and if you are here on any other google search, please, I think you mean the link below.  (indeed, perhaps even the missing link below).

Life changes rather suddenly on us sometimes, doesn't it?

There has been a lot about the last 8 months that has been unbloggable for me.  A job role that is ending on Wednesday, on the full moon, on the  44 month mark of Paris.

It has been uplifting and devastating, joyous and frustrating and the best job in the world with a fairly amazing bunch of people for some real characters, parts of stories that give a little bit of hope back for a few.

And, of course, I haven't been able to blog a thing.

Last weekend, when I had my run of luck, it also offered me many blessings.

I learned, with the speeding ticket, to slow down and regard signs.  (a lesson, unfortunately, that I have to learn by repetition)

I got a chance to be fairly internet free for two and a half days.  It was just like olden times, I swear!!

I went and stayed at my parents house, without their knowledge or explicit consent, and mucked around with all their stuff.

Mum and Dad built their dream home a few years ago, and had just spent 15 weeks doing their dream tour of "the mother country" and Europe.  15 weeks of a 16 week trip.  As it was my Dad's birthday on that Sunday, and Mum's yesterday, I had devised a cheap yet extremely heartfelt and practical gift that would possibly tick off the birthday section of the to do list.

I was giving them the opportunity to invite their friends to their beautiful home and regale with adventurous tales and amazing photos.  While I can only assume the latter factors, as they were without my control, I had in my hands the opportunity to zhush the house and plant flowers and prepare and freeze meals.

Unfortunately the whole "cheap" aspect of the surprise were busted rather poetically by the bookends of disaster that was last weekend.  Silver lining was getting the awesome laundry folding bench completely clear (although Mum - I am concerned with the final location for the eskies, so don't try to climb the stepladder and get them down yourself!  And don't send Dad up!!  Its been keeping me awake-ish).

The whole "surprise" thing was also slightly stymied, as although I had no issue with using their hospitality in their absence and without their knowledge, even I draw the line in the sand when it comes to the loan of a motor vehicle.

But the "beautiful house" bit?  Well, with the assistance of Bush Babe, 'Salina and Paris, it was right out of the pages of a magazine.

The Insurance dude did that whole "this is the information before we officially give you the information regarding your claim, but probably the car is kaputz" which did give me a momentary lament about the cool grand I had dropped on it at the mechanic's on Thursday before I left.

Pollyanna me would like to think that by doing so I had saved a business (or at least a job).  You never know.

The Dark Side of My Psyche thinks "yes, but what would have happened if you hadn't spent that money.  Perhaps it could have been worse".  DSOMP is a real bitch.

In other news, 'Salina is now officially the same height as her mother.  We did the check in the bathroom on the weekend, and the only difference is my butt is saggier.

I didn't realise it would affect me so much.

We had Sarma tonight. I made it yesterday, but hadn't timed my run to the precision that I pride myself on and therefore had it on the best day possible - the day after, where the flavours really settle and the sauce blends.

Of course, I also have the opportunity to have it on Wednesday, as it is my contribution to the farewell luncheon.

And there was enough left over for both V and I to have substantial lunches today.

That it the downside with Sarma.  The amount you make is dependent on the cabbage - and the cabbage always surprises you with its ability to create a mountain out of virtually nothing.

Still, it freezes, its a great leftover, its good for you, it keeps you warm and regular and it is as cheap as all get - those Eastern Europeans know a thing or two about surviving!!


Kelly said...

What a grand plan to welcome them back with the opportunity to entertain their family and friends!

I do hope we'll be treated to some of the better tales (and photos to accompany, perhaps?) either here or at BB's.

Some aspects of this post left me a bit confused and wondering, but maybe it's better that way....

jeanie said...

That is okay Kelly - sometimes I confuse myself.

I aim to keep contact with a few of these people, and if they give permission to share their stories I will try to do them honour.

Anonymous said...

You shine Jeanie! ;D

Jen said...

Snap. My son is as tall as me now too. And he's definitely got the cuter butt.

BB said...

That reminds me - I took photos of the 'after' for you... must send them through! My heart ached for you and I was very proud of how calmly you seemed to handle last weekend's misfortunes. Does that mean you are a grownup now?
PS TEll Salina to not get too carried away - she's not up to her aunty yet (those I suspect by age 16 she will be!).

jeanie said...

Thanks Anonymous!

Jen - the good news is that I have been taught how to look down my nose at taller people by a master (or mistress) as Mum can still give a great mother look and I have loomed over her for at least 30 years!

BB - shhhh I am pretending quite well at the whole grown up thing.