Friday, July 21, 2023

momentous snippets

Every evening, after navigating the rocky rites of pre-dinner dramatics and the psychological drama over the device.
 ("I'm just using it for a timer" says she while blatantly snapchatting in the background "don't you want me to exercise?")
Ah, no, let's start again.
We watch a few episodes of Bull. 
Well, watch may be a stretch. I am in the same room as Bull and my body is positioned for viewing, but on a semi-comfortable couch and I doze. I get the general gist. 
Paris hears it, while she zhuzzes her hair and does a facial and pops by and denying vehemently that she is on her phone as she checks and poses by the kitchen light in the mirrored window. 

V occasions by - his back is killing him and he's not a fan of watching television for entertainment's sake, especially when you are watching bad relationships, people being sneaky, lying and murder. I remember when he used to watch Medium.

'Salina is currently crocheting. She has decided she will crochet herself a whole jacket. No doily starters around here!
We have an ongoing Uno tournament. Tonight all the worms turned and the enormous divide in score was thoroughly quashed and I am relying heavily on my need to model how to be gracious in the maws of defeat to get through this stark moment.

After showering and others going to to bed I have my second nap opportunity into play and I go for a wander through my forbears history.

Ah, yes, let's start again.

Tomorrow we pack and drive and get ourselves organised. On Sunday we are having a 41hr day on Sunday. 

Sunday is the 23rd which is an auspicious date always - my uncle and I are both 23rds, and many of my friends are too. Not all of them of course. 
That would be wired.  Weird.  Autocorrect (but I left it because that IS weird.)
We will be in far off lands by that day's final end.

I am on holidays from work for 3 whole weeks.



  1. I'm so glad I don't have to monitor someone else's screen/device time.

    As in birthday? Maybe not 23rd birthday, but birthday on the 23rd. If so, happy birthday! I hope you're able to relax some during the coming three weeks.

  2. Thanks Kelly. 23rd is my birthday in another month - this one is just the flying across the Pacific (currently just past Honolulu apparently.

  3. Screen time...urg. It is a struggle in our house. The boy would forget to eat if we didn't limit his screen time.

    Salina is crocheting a jacket? Well. Don't have to monitor her screen time, then. (I have friends whos daughter made her lace wedding dress. Where did she buy all that lace, I wondered out loud. She MADE her wedding dress, Jeanie. She made the lace herself! Dear God. If I took on a project like that, the wedding would have never happened.)

    Enjoy your time across the pond.

    1. Thank you. I am. There is a family story that one great-great(-& maybe even great again) grandmother wanted to finish her dress before marrying and was indeed still sewing on buttons on the day of.


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