Saturday, April 13, 2024

Labels and little jars

 One of the great gifts that I have received over the years was a labelmaker.

(I could have sworn that I have whinged upon it in the past, but the delights of the deep freeze lottery must have featured more on the unblogged part of my life. I can only find one example)

The upside of a labelmaker is it's a viable option almost guaranteed to ensure that you know what is inside a container - much better than that "oh, I'll remember what that is" technique relying wholly on one person's memory.

Unfortunately for my late in the day conversion to this revolutionary concept, the corporate world of greed snuck under my radar and convinced me that the label tapes that I required to replenish last month would be most economically achieved if I bought a job lot - and the job lot had a mix of colours and the first colour chosen was gold.

My decision was made without full knowledge of how ineffective as labels they would be because that colour and my eyesight...

and yes, that label does call it Beef Not Madras Curry.

Because sometimes the old "oh, I'll remember what that is" technique works, as in the fenugreek leaves on the left 

 - but sometimes it fails, as in the Not Madras Curry Powder on the right.

I give spice mixes as gifts, as I love cooking and trying out lots of recipes (especially those from India and Sri Lanka) and a lot of my friends also love food but "wouldn't have all of those spices".

I have all of those spices. (and oh look, you get to view it in JeanieVision(TM) )

So while I made them up for Christmas, I made extra for myself.

It was nice.

But Not Madras.


  1. I had a label maker decades ago, but I'm not sure what happened to it. Maybe for the best since something like that is dangerous in my hands!

    While not exactly the same (after all, yours is trademarked), I can relate to your vision woes.

  2. I cannot tell you the number of times I've pulled a container out of the freezer and found it to be one of the containers that I would remember the contents.

    I need help. Mostly, what I need is labels that will stick on to said containers or a marker that will write on the same. I can tell you that my memory is crap.

    1. Might I recommend a labelmaker? Hours of fun (A. when you remember to use it and B. when you don't use gold tape)


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