Tuesday, April 02, 2024


 I was doing Sexaginta-quattuordle this morning. (I do it most days at varying times).

This is a word game where you have 70 goes to work out 64 five-letter words. (Although it does have an auto complete mode so technically you don't have to actually nut out ALL 64 words).

There is a technique that I have learned for this game. You can get up to five words incorrect, so the first three should use all the vowels and as wide a variety of oft used consonants as possible.

If you are lucky, you might jag one, but BEWARE! Don't go down the rabbit hole chasing a nearly got word or trying to do the above in only two words - that is the path to ruin.

I tried "great" and "could" and "spiny" but no dice - although that did point me towards the first word.

"Tough". Which is what this morning had been. 

It was going to be tough anyway as the first day back after a long weekend, key team members taking leave because of school holidays, invoicing and updating public holidays and meetings - plus enforcing screen restrictions at home with intergenerational peace negotiations and possible removal of devices looming on the getting to work on time horizon.

But I didn't end up doing any of that.

The next word that worked for my puzzle was "hoist".

I had to instead hoist the 14yo out of bed twice this morning. Thematically that fit.

My sixth word was "trunk" - which is going out on a limb in the "match life's curve balls with a word game" attempt here.

At 2am this morning, V had pain that went from the front of his trunk to the back.

The next correct word was "heart", which was indeed a bit of a word of the day, as the inability for one of the pathways in - or out, not sure - in V's couldn't pump, so that really kinked the morning all around.

"Soapy" was the next word. Hmm. Perhaps my second indicator that life doesn't emulate internet word games.

And the next was "corgi", which indeed threw it so far out of the window that I gave up.

"Angiogram" is not five letters, and although "stent" is, it wasn't one of today's words.

And apparently "vegan" is not oft thrown around at the hospital even though it is what V has been throwing around here in order to defy cholesterol and bad choices in his youth.

Hopefully though, words 14, 15, 17 and 24 all ring true for today and the future ("fixed", "rapid", "mirth", and "awake").

We will find out - hopefully - on Dr's rounds tomorrow what the moving forward plan may entail.


  1. Interesting how you made all these words play into your real life! Either you're quite clever or something spooky is going on. This word game looks a little more complicated than "Wordle", which I do first thing every morning. That's followed up later in the day with an easy crossword, a cryptoquote, and a sudoku.

  2. I do hope things are not serious and the plan forward will be an uncomplicated one.

  3. As do I Kelly. It is more time consuming but probably in a way easier as you can actually use strategy.

  4. Goodness. I wouldn't have the patience for that. And if the words spilled into real life it would unsettle me. Hope things sort themselves out.


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