Tuesday, May 14, 2024

D'ye Ken John Boyd

 I figure,  with the profligacy of John Boyd's in the world - and the proliferation of progeny of their offspring, chances are we are all descendants of a John Boyd.

My John Boyd was a Scot, a stone mason and a man who sat on council in the new land, one who signed a public letter of thanks to certain crew members of the ship he sailed out on, 

and one who hosted his daughters' double wedding.

Romantic? Or Canny Scot?

I know all of this through the little bit of research that I have done myself.

For Mother's Day I got myself an Ancestry deal - and the "grab a bargain" part of the deal (I wonder where I got that from) meant that I had to dedicate myself to exploration of that forest.

I found his Margaret, I found that he was also, apparently, a publican (that counterbalances the sheer weight of abstinence society founders in another branch) -  I even found a photo of either him with his brothers - or his son, also John Boyd, and his other sons. Whoever they were, I wouldn't mess with them!

And he is just 1 of the 32 of his generation in my tree.

(When researching for a photo for the above facts, I came upon:

-  a John Boyd who may have been instrumental in sending my John Boyd out - for history geeks check this article!!!!!

 - a John Boyd that comes with a trigger warning  - link contains explicit descriptions of court charges and the offence as well as editorial comment.

Hopefully not my John Boyd - This article from 24 August 1861 - 162 3/4 years ago and published in the Sydney Mail, page 6 on a Saturday - could be written today.)

 - and a John Boyd reference in an article where the sheer number of topics covered 

- OMG a John Boyd instrumental in an amazing rescue 

I must stop now because they keep coming and I must get to bed. So - do you ken any John Boyds?


  1. I bet the double wedding was for convenience. We eloped, which (imo) is the way to go. 😉

    1. While everyone was there. Mind you, he only had 3 girls out of 11 living children.

  2. I think you need a coffee warning before delving into those links to try and find John Boyd references! LOL. Intriguing articles (the ones where I succeeded in finding JF anyway)... I wonder if Lord Farnham is a relly of our famous singer?

    1. I have just realised that the link goes to the whole conglomerate of article rather than the specific part my search led to. The rescue is right towards the end of the last link.

  3. And the more you do, the more you will want to do!
    Good to have something more that just the bare name information


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Mr Spam, your comments will be regarded as fodder...