Friday, September 13, 2024

And in the blink of an eye

 So I am on the other side of the operation and it went very well. Very blessed indeed.

Of course, now that means that I have one far superior eye and my view slants to the left, but what is new! (A little political/physical play there for folks that require the explanation).

My life is a regimen of bells and whistles alerting me throughout - get up, prepare breakfast/lunch/leftovers, get dressed, get going, set up, eat breakfast, call my parents, start work, inbox, workflow, meetings, teams, discussions, deadlines, lunch, budgets, pack up, drive, collect daughter from school, drive, get home, set up, start work, phone calls, problem solving, spreadsheets, macros, shut down, pack away, prep dinner, argue with teenager about setting the table,  drink wine, watch a quiz show, cook dinner, watch local news, eat dinner, argue with teenager about eating habits, watch sitcom, argue with teenager about clearing the table, shower, get tablets, watch cop show with teenager, argue with teenager about phone usage (while sharing the couch - it's our us time - we bond over Bradford), bedtime routine, sleep.

Since the op, I have had to fit in four rounds of eyedrops in the good eye.

I was talking to V this evening.

"You have to remember" I told him " that she is a 14yo girl, and there is nothing more argumentative in the world than a 14yo girl."

He raised his eyebrows (as apparently neither of us were blessed with the cool single -eyebrow-arching trait).

"I was actually known as anything-for-an-argument-Jeanie when I was a teenager, because I used to argue anything."

"Used to?" he said.

I have not done much in the way of genealogy for a while. I have wintered with a few shows courtesy of Netflix of late.

I did Bridgerton. Apparently all of the mothers of 14yo girls are watching. I think that I might have found out why.

Queen Charlotte, The Queen's Gambit and Inventing Anna took me through the last few weeks. I am a very slow binger, falling asleep before an episode is through. How lucky are we that this is a possible way to watch, pausing for another 20 minutes tomorrow as opposed to the good old days of what you slept through you missed and waiting for next week's episode of my childhood?

12 days until the next eye gets done.


Debby said...

I'm glad that the eye operation went well, and *ahem* may your vision always skew left!

I have a nephew, a 20 year Army officer, who has very strong opinions. He has always said that as long as someone can defend their beliefs with facts, he's okay with differences and that he likes discussion.

Silly me. I believed it. He stated an opinion. I stated an opposing opinion, providing a source for that belief.

It turned into a kerfuffle. He posted again, saying that if anyone got lost, simply sit down and start talking politics and Aunt Debby would be along shortly to argue.

I decided that I would no longer discuss politics with him, and explained why. We are too diametrically opposed. Never the twain shall meet. When he was dismissing sources with "I don't believe that" without providing his reasoning, it had ceased to be a discussion.

His lates jibe is a post about people becoming unhinged discussing the state of politics. I didn't respond to it although most of my family praised his open mind and clear thinking. The fact is that his little sermon could be summed up in just four sentences.

I have strong opinions.
My opinions are always right and will be vigorously defended.
You have strong opinions
If you state those opinions and they are different than mine, any vigorous defense is proof that you are unhinged.

Kelly said...

I'm glad things are going smoothly. That bodes well for round two.

I don't like drama and I don't like to argue. I'm seriously considering crawling under a rock (or at least between the covers of a book - or bed) for a few months to preserve my sanity.

Oh.... and I do possess the single-eyebrow-arching trait. It's an asset. 😉

jeanie said...

Debby - I have toned down argumentatively in the last decade - it doesn't mean that I don't still have strong views, it's that I don't have the energy to fight every single round!
I was having a discussion recently (not about politics) where I suggested all parties employ a technique we have been taught about at work where everyone gets heard, which was agreed as a good idea - then I mentioned that the outcome may well still be something not to their liking after the process.
Kelly - my sil can also eyebrow arch. I practiced for hours as a child attempting but it is one of those things. A good book sounds good although sometimes no matter how much you wish for it all to go away does require a boundary to be tended. Just not when you are trying to teach a teenager the requirement to assist in paddling the canoe.