Anyhow, part of the experimentation that went on was me trying to think of healthy, edible alternatives for the girls for weekend lunches... I was so "involved" in the experiment that I even went so far as to whip up a batch of cheese and vegetable muffins.
There is a VERY good reason that you don't see any results here in picture form, and that is because they TRULY SUCKED.
They were dry, crumbly (a very brave V did say that they were tasty, but he had to swallow several times to get the words out - they were so dry, they didn't just have liquid deficiency, they created a liquid vacuum) and I spat the dummy (unfortunately not the first dummy-spit I had - nor the last - yesterday).
The girls ended up with toasted ham, tomato and cheese sandwiches for lunch. I make a mean toastie - obviously far more proficient than muffin maker.
So last night, the quiche I had envisaged got a unique crust - made of crumbed cheese and vegetable muffin - and was based on a lorraine recipe - so cream (okay, it was Philly light - but nearly cream) and bacon made an appearance - as did all of our vegetables because I was darned if we were going to go without a bit of time down at the front and it meant our whole meal could be in one pan cooking while we took advantage of the good weather.
I didn't take a photo of the beginning of the meal (mainly because my third dummy-spit of the day had just been incited courtesy of a child's carseat - don't ask) (and the wine still hadn't kicked in) and it crumbled into a million tiny pieces on the plate...
However - it was a success, because the crust was delicious (very rich - but will tweak the cheese and vegetable muffin mix and try again one day) and both girls ate enough to tick the vegetable quota boxes.
(Fear of my dummy-spits played no part in that, I have been assured).
It still looks disgusting, though!!