Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Wordless Wednesday - the feline and his little equine friends


Life. Complicated. said...

Poor, Poor my little Pony! She should have stayed in her little My Little Pony castle.

Alison said...

Felines have the greatest expressions, don't they?!
Great pics :)

Pencil Writer said...

Cats. Ya gotta luv 'em. Poor pony. Beautiful cat, btw.

MaR said...

I agree with The Palms: Little Pony should have stayed in! Love your cat :)
Happy WW!

Anonymous said...

LOL - my girls are jelous big time.. even this cat gets a 'little pony' but their mean mother won't buy them one!

Debby said...

'My Little Ponies' are still around??!! Goodness. My oldest daughter had a collection of them. She is 26 now.

Anonymous said...


cats! god love em

Julie Pippert said...

That's hilarious, especially the cat smirk at the end. LOL

♥.Trish.♥ Drumboys said...

Beautiful ♥ Jeanie - so I should buy some little ponies hey. Very funny.

Our new kitten loves the boys toys
My WW is up
My Little Drummer boys

Anonymous said...

LOL That poor pony head is doomed, for sure!

Aniqa said...

I notice that you made no attempt to save the poor little pony. Sad, very sad

jeanie said...

Might I just note that NO My Little Ponies were actually injured during this photo shoot.

Nor was the cat.

And even if one or two MLPs were - shall we say - disappeared by an adventure of this sort, our mourning would be assuaged by the mass of MLP and associated paraphenalia that populates our house (with the castle, the rollercoaster, the butterfly island, the treehouse, the hair twirling thingy...)

And if I were to tell you that once upon a time, 'Salina was "the ONLY girl in Grade One who didn't have My Little Pony" with a you cruel mother in your voice, you would hardly believe me - strange, but true.

Lilli & Nevada said...

That is so cute, we have no children here but 11 furry kids and there are more toys around here than if i had kids. So cute

Cathy, Amy and Kristina said...

That is absolutely hysterical!