Saturday, January 04, 2025

Gangsterrr in the family

 I was in mind to write you a screed regards my latest rabbit hole, how I am of the opinion that you are more likely to be in some way an associate of a Burgess than to any unit of measurement thrown at you to compare, when, upon spying my intentions I was diverted by 15 year old Paris asking if I had blogged to you about Gangsterrr yet.

I asked if I were allowed and if she had a blog name in mind. "You can call her Gangsterrr and you can tell them that it is her middle name in real life". 

She thought for a bit - "you can tell them that I am the best middle name giver" - and if any of you are in the market for a middle name, she is pretty good at it.

"How is that spelled? (Spelt?) 

"E R R R"


So Gangsterrr it is.

She has a Burgess associate too - only four degrees of separation there.