Sunday, May 11, 2008

Bean Soup

Nearly finished the shoe post, but not to be by tonight...

So instead, a 'Salina moment.

Last night dinner was a hearty vegetable and bean soup, grilled parmesan croutons and some chops.

When asked how her soup was, 'Salina replied "Oh, not bad. I just wish we weren't having it tonight."

"Why, when did you want to have it?" I asked.

"Maybe about 100 years from now" was her reply.

But the good thing was she didn't hate it, hey?


Alison said...

Sorry mum, but great answer 'Salina!
Must remember that.

Debby said...

My response to my children:

'My job is to put nutritious meals on the table. No where does it say you have to like 'em.'

Tracey said...

That's a classic. She's a comedian, that one!

Anonymous said...


What a charming child... :P Reminds me of my own - eating lentil soup and exclaiming, "Hey, this actually tastes OK!" Thanks. Just... thanks! :-D

Jayne said...

LOL good comment 'Salina, earns a point in the smarty pants book :P
Actually that soup sounds yummy, can you post the recipe one day?
(Now you can poke your tongue out at 'Salina and brag someone asked for the soup recipe and do the ner ner ner ner ner ner dance ) ;)

Anonymous said...

LOL :) Out of the mouths of babes...

Melody said...

That's a great answer that one!! Cheeky devil.

Aniqa said...

..... and when you were her age what would you have said?