Monday, December 18, 2023

Taurus, Pfeffernusse, Christmas Shopping and Wee - or Whee - Jasper

 Has it been 11 days? It's been a ride, anyway, since I was last at work and yet here we are, on an evening before return to work musings.

So yes, had my plastic surgery - the good news is that we have all margins and nothing to worry about, nothing to see here but a bit of a scar where I was all pulled in a little tighter. 

Using dressmaker terms, a soft pleat has slightly developed and, using teenage girl vernacular, there appears to be a bovine look. Or perhaps that was her descriptor for my general attitude during one enlightening skirmish in the trenches of parenting an adolescent.

Allow me to assure you, there are some good moments too.

We live for the good moments!

But oh, how I beg forgiveness from my own mother as I see myself at 13 sometimes when we butt heads. 


(Photo description - a cooling rack of 32 very -messily white iced biscuits)

To the detriment of my own waistline I have discovered an absolute pearler of a cookie recipe. Pfeffernusse

Luckily the universe was able to yin my yang with a dose of "is-that-a-funny-noise-i-hear,oh, looks like the oven fan has died" syndrome.

My future joint health thanks you for that 🙏

Speaking of which, among the many "let's try to get ahead of the health mud that has been slung" issues in the last month, I had a bone density scan.

I went because one of the more-than-your-average effects of the medication that I take to minimise the possibility that the stimulus that assisted in my body to manifest cancer replicating the party trick is to aid the gallop to osteoporosis.

It is also that true women of my cultural heritage (pasty white crossed with more of the same) have a tendency towards a pretty fast canter as it is.

(Photo description: flyleaf of "The Book of Common Prayer" inscribed "Mr A Fleming" - and "Alex Fleming Glen?!???uarry Church")

A bonus of doing family history is finding out how ancient some forebears got - and how brief were the lives of others in the canopy.

I had a pretty intense day last Wednesday. It was about that point where what day of the week it was became a real blur.

It was the ONE DAY I had available for Christmas shopping. Those of you who have visited me in the past at this time of year and I happened to post will know that I am oft in such a position - not one of your "organised-in-July" (or even November) girls (not that there is anything wrong with that) - at the 11th hour.

I had bookended this "stress-free" spendfest (artfully arranged with an interlude for family and handover of parental target - I mean responsibility) with medical appointments. 

At the first, the GP gave me good news - clear margins, slightly good news (-penia is above -porosis in the osteo- food chain) and terrible news. She has to go to a different medical practice next year as it is part of her training (& even worse news from the receptionist - my regular GP prior to this one will NOT be returning from her extended leave).

Then I dragged Paris into several outlets that the daughter that, even 18 months ago (okay,  four years ago) would have delighted in going through with me. 

I was ditched at the door, however . Occasionally her shadowy figure sought me in the side aisles for whispered knowledge of "how much longer are you going to be?"

Luckily we are doing a Santa Steal this family Christmas. That means that I don't have to think of specific items for specific people except for immediate family. My brain would not have coped.

Finally we got to the shopping centre, so it was a larger space she could ditch me in.

The shopping centre is about a block from my work.

I bumped into three of the BIG Bosses while shopping. I almost felt the need to apologise for Christmas shopping on a work day!

(They know that I am on leave and why)

I was about 3/4 through my solo reconnaissance when the phone rang - "how much longer are you going to be?"

After a lunchtime saga I was a woman without responsibility but with great purpose. Shopping was ACHIEVED.

 I finally saw my surgeon who was very pleased with the margin news and excited to explain the engineering behind the skin usage and taping of the dressing. She will be happy to never see me again - but in a good way.

I have spent the last few days of my leave with my parents and extended family. I also got Taylor Swift concerts both ways cocooned in the car with a beautiful young lady. The glory of no signal - I will take that route every time!!!

The route Jasper has taken was one that had us on watch and see level alerts.

 Fortunately for us - but unfortunately for them - Jasper took a right (and right there) rather than a hard left (and a fair distance) and got the Cairns region instead. 

It seems in the last decade or so, the main problems arise when the cyclone becomes an ex.

It becomes a vindictive water-syphon scouring it's path.

 I am praying now for the people who are affected in so many ways - and also for those who will help them.


  1. I had not heard of Jasper! The entire world is dealing with storms. If only we could figure out why.

    Your shopping expedition brought back memories. In those days, we existed for no other reason than to make our children's lives unbearable. I seemed to have done an especially good job of it.

    1. I am excelling myself here. I wonder if science could concentrate on the whole stormy situation?

  2. I'm glad the surgery is done and the margins are all clear. And I can relate to the bone news... mine is of the "penia" variety, too. I take higher doses of calcium and D to keep it there.

    Glad Jasper missed you (and sorry for those it hit), but have to admit it's a mighty fine name. 😉

    1. On d and calcium myself - and contemplating weight bearing exercise. Jasper, Seth and Oswald were all rather swank - and rather destructive exes!


I have taken off the "you make it so hard to comment"...
Mr Spam, your comments will be regarded as fodder...