Tuesday, June 30, 2009

A screw up and a step up

Mistress B has a round up of Screw Ups on a Tuesday, and I have a doozy (must be pronounced a'la the morning presenter on the radio on Groundhog Day).

Today, we are off to spend some quality horse-and-cousin bonding time. Now, one of the few downsides to such jaunts is the completely different programming available on the idiot box, and therefore our access to our mainline shows.

The main downside, of course, is four long and lonely days and nights without V.

Anyhow, last night we decided to have a little bonding time instead of catching up on certain shows - The Big Bang Theory had returned to the box (welcome back!!) and Desperate Housewives was due to play. We are nearing the end of season, but given the way our lives have been on late we are still to watch LAST WEEK'S Desperate, so it was decided that the tape would take care of them and we would have a date night at some point in the future to indulge.

So I set the tape to tape and our evening progressed. At a few points, I will admit that V did enquire whether it was catching DH, but I was blissful in my skills...

My bubble burst when I rewound the tape to find the end of DH (so I could set it for future TV concerns) and found out that there was one assumption made last night that should have been checked.

BBT and DH are on different stations.


To cheer me up, I finally went on an abbreviated traipse around a few of my favourite blogs, and discovered "The Other Ree" of The Hotfessional had flattered me greatly.

She said (well, okay, she cut and paste per the meme instructions but I am SURE she meant it)

This award is given to the writers of blogs that “are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers. Deliver this award to eight bloggers who must choose eight more and include this cleverly-written text into the body of their award.”

So, per instructions, I in turn must pass it along to another 8 - given all the great people I do read (okay, very occasionally at the moment), my random (and all antipodean) 8 recipients are (in tab order on my browser right at the moment so I get the links right):

I could have mentioned far more than 8, but orders is orders...

Anyhow, off to do a little more work, unpeg, fold, pack and await my chariot to the Western Lands.


Jayne said...

Ooooooooo Thank you muchly!
Mwah much appreciated :)

Anonymous said...

Awww, thanks jeanie.

Maude Lynn said...

Every time I get a little blissful in my skills . . . BAM!

Congratulations on the award!

Nikki aka Widdle Shamrock said...

Oopsie !!!

Can you get a copy from somewhere else?

Sarah Lulu said...

Congratulations and thank you so much Jeanie. xxxx

♥.Trish.♥ Drumboys said...

♥ much appreciated and kindly accepted

I have been reading but alas so little time commenting.