Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Guest Post - Riddles Me 'Salina

One knight a butcher a backer and candle stick macker went into a shop and came out with 4. How is that possible?

Two trains leave opposite ends of a line at 7 o'clock heading towards each other on the same track. The don't meet. How is that possible?

The wind blows from the west. A rooster lays an egg on my roof. What way does the egg fall off?

Answers later


Tamsyn said...

First one has me stumped! I'll take a guess at the second and say that they depart on different nights and with the third I'm pretty sure that Rooster's don't lay eggs ;)

Debby said...

Roosters don't lay eggs, and maybe one train left at 7 AM, the other at 7 PM. The first riddle also has me stumped, but I know that you always want to have a baker in the group: he has dough.

jeanie said...

you were both right on the third roosters dont lay eggs.number 1 was One knight a butcher a backer and candle stick maker went into a shop - Mum helped me make the "K" invisible because the K is silent - but it was there...
number 2 is that one leaves at 7 am the other at 7 pm.


Debby said...

Here's one for you, 'Salina. The little piggies went into town. They went to a restaurant, and the little piggies ordered nice appetizers, except for one. He ordered lots and lots of water. The waiter returned and took their menu choices for the meal. But that one little piggie ordered lots and lots of water. The waiter came back, and asked if they would like dessert, and the little piggies all had nice desserts, except for one. He ordered lots and lots of water. When the waiter returned with the check, he asked the little piggie why he only had water the entire evening. And the little piggie said, "Well, one of us has to go wee wee wee all the way home."

Jayne said...

Well done, 'Salina :)

LOL Debby :)