We had a pool party for 'Salina's 11th birthday - which doesn't happen officially until Wednesday. I won't post a photo of 'Salina, because all the ones of her include a dozen other kids - including one we don't know. Go figure.
'Salina and V did have fun carving a pumpkin and getting together goodies for Halloween this evening. Its moments like this I miss Boy Next Door and Girl Down the Road - there are no playmates in cooee now for her to garner into a Trick or Treat posse - so we hosted a scary balcony and gave out goodies.
I worked my first Saturday at one of my new jobs on the weekend (so V got the joy of getting the girls ready for the party - he he he) (This tactic did backfire on me as I met him at the pool, as Paris was clad in a blue worker's singlet and a brown MCN. Quite rightly, he points out it is her fanciest MCN, but definitely a fail in Party Girl status!!)
However, a few Saturdays ago I wasn't working and we and some visiting friends went on a walk we have meant to do since - well, since being in Paradise.
'Salina has her Aunt's photographic eye, don't you think?
She is also a dab hand at Directing...
Yes, Paris has learned how to play!
Anyhow, back to tail up and nose down - 13th - its a date, right?