Friday, January 14, 2022

Parisienne Boudoir (and the dramas therein)

 Can you believe Paris is now 12 years old?!

Her birthday was very low-key this year, as the current climate does not lend itself to high-key - and because she got her biggest wish - free rein to upgrade her bedroom.

The page was open at the website of a renowned international flatpack furniture retailer and she got to choose it all - bed base, mattress, pillows, linen, desks, decorations and fripperies.

The downside was that, due to logistics, it would not arrive until three weeks AFTER her birthday!

That three weeks was on Tuesday.  It didn't come due to logistics not accounting for side-tackles by the current pandemic.

It also didn't come on Wednesday, the day I had off from work (per below post).

It did, however, come on Thursday - just as well, as her good mate had been promised a sleepover when said bedroom was assembled and I think that good mate's Dad was particularly sweating on this promise!

So Thursday dawned and the 23 boxes were counted off the truck.  I went to work.  Checked on V and girls during the day - all good, building the bed, girls off devices for a bit (the bane of existence).

And then I got a text.  "They didn't send the slats".

That night, all riled to say they got the order wrong, discovered something far more stark.

They. Do. Not. Sell. The. Bed. With. Slats.

What the insert appropriate swear word here?!!!

And to get said slats, it will cost 2-4 times as much as the value of the slats to have them delivered.  And it will take another 3 weeks.

They had the order for SIX EXPLETIVE-DELETED weeks already!!!

Nowhere on my order does it say "By the Way - this BED doesn't have the bits that will make it functional included".

Nowhere in their thrice-weekly sales emails did they say "we noticed that you have bought everything to make the perfect bedroom except for the basis for sound expletive-deleted sleep".

 On their website, it does indeed say that you do have to purchase them separately - for some of their beds - but if you select another in the same style, it is included.  Tres confusing.

I did reach out to them today, asking for some sort of solution that didn't involve me swearing and dragging their name through mud.

They sent me a message back this evening which basically told me that it sucks to be me.

Not. Freaking. Happy.

At all.

So - straw poll - aye if you think that when you buy a bed it should have the actual slats included, or nay if you think it sucks to be me. 

Oh, and for those who are naysayers because "renowned international flatpack furniture retailer always says they are separate" - I present evidence.

And what is on the order:


Kelly said...

Well, aye, of course. I can't imagine them not coming with the bed frame! Clearly there were no slats on her old setup that could transfer over...

If you have a place to leave a review, I highly recommend you do so, in detail. Maybe it will save someone else from the same misery.

Debby said...

That's ridiculous. But can't you just go to your friendly big box lumber supply place and get a length of board to cut into appropriate slat size pieces?

jeanie said...

Thanks Kelly - unfortunately no friendly review opportunities anywhere that I could find.
Thanks Jen.
Debby - that would indeed be possible but alas this girl's plate spinning hands are right now otherwise occupied.