Wednesday, September 04, 2024

Pirate Leave 1

 I am officially on my first round of "Pirate Leave" from work.

I could have had my last food at 4am (I didn't, I slept instead) and am on water until 9am (man the coffee smells good).

10.15 I am expected at the hospital and they are doing "the good eye" first.

I am a bit anxious. 

I don't do leave. I mean I do, but generally it is in order to be busy elsewhere. I don't actually know how to relax these days, and reading is my general relaxation outlet when enforced. 

There are 3 weeks between this operation and the other to ensure that pressures stay on track due to the Fuchs factor. Apparently I can pop the lens of my glasses on the done eye and I might be useful - I have threatened to be the blind sage in the corner at work should that not be the case. 

Of course, that is dependant on my driving ability - I currently have custom hours so I don't drive in the dark so I do have a workstation set up at home. I don't mind working from home, but it does make a bit of a disconnect from the team camaraderie.

Anyway, that is my day ahead - handing over control and hoping for the best.

See you the other side.


Kelly said...

I hope everything goes well (or went well...depending on the timeframe). Maybe you can listen to an audiobook. Under the right circumstances, I found I can concentrate enough for that.

jeanie said...

Thanks Kelly. All went well - in for the post-op check this morning. The world will be wonky for a few weeks but pretty impressed

Debby said...

Ooh. Good luck!