Sunday, February 02, 2025

Book Club Reading

I always wanted to be in a book club.

There were a lot of reasons "why not".  

The rare clubs I did manage to unearth

  • met on Tuesday at 10am and I work full-time
  • only read books starting with K and had a murder on page 25
  • were already established and didn't want new participants
  • involved meeting in members 5 star houses, copious amounts of expensive alcohol and designer clothing for the photo opportunities

The unicorn that I was looking for needed to meet when I was available (so business hours were out) and I could see to drive (evenings were out); didn't have a set playlist on what was acceptable to read; wanted me and would accept a person like me and wouldn't require me to pretend I had a lifestyle that for so many reasons I don't have.

Luckily for me, just as the pandemic kicked off a lady bought a little second-hand book shop in my little town and wanted to support local community by creating a book club - and as soon as things opened up, she did just that.

So since August 2020 I have been involved in the Book Club.  Anyone can be a member, and if you choose to get the book through the book shop you can do a "set and forget" monthly fee, which is what I do.  The book shop itself has moved to a bigger premises and gone through 2 ownership changes, but the book club has kept on throughout.

We meet on the last Sunday of the month (generally) at around 1, people can bring a plate, the book shop now has a cafe although its not open to the public on Sundays, so paying members get a free drink (non-paying members can still  get a drink).

For our January read, we had  this delightful Japanese book, What you are looking for is in the library" by Michiko Aoyama.

At our meeting, it was unanimously endorsed (by all who had read it) and I would recommend to young and old.

Uplifting and enjoyable - what you look for in a start of the year book.

I have a disclaimer to make about the February read, as it was my pick and I share great-great-grandparents with the writer - but please don't hold that against her because this, her second "big" novel, is as easy to read yet hard-hitting in the right places as her first (The Last Love Note").  
While it does sneak in as romance, it also covers so much more in the main story - and it has a happy ending.  
The first night I started reading it, my "I am very tired, I will only read one chapter as I have work in the morning" vow meant that I put the book down after 10.
The second night 25 (they are shortish chapters) - but oh, on the third night I had to keep going until I got to the end.  
"Pictures of You" by Emma Grey shows how easily romance can become anything but as well as how good it can be - and it is such a fine edge, the distinction between the two at times, isn't it ?
I loaned my copy to another member as she cannot get another copy ANYWHERE at the moment, although I see through updates from Emma that there is now a 4th print run.  If you are in the USA, she is currently there on a book tour.


Kelly said...

I LOVE seeing what other book clubs are reading and I'm going to see if either of these are available at my library or Amazon (at a reasonable price).

Joining a book club was one of the best things I ever did. I love the company and the fact it gets me out of my comfort zone sometimes. We try to read a "classic", a non-fiction, and a YA/children's book each year, but other than that... it can be anything. We use to meet in a few select homes (and have food), but now we usually meet in a church parlor that's centrally located for everyone.

jeanie said...

I so agree - getting me out of the comfort zone (and out of my house) is such a good thing. I have read so many books that I wouldn't have necessarily picked them up. I must admit, there are some that I didn't finish too - but I tried.

BB said...

I have never been part of a book club... I do love a good read though (generally very late at night!). Can we download an audio version of our distant relly's latest tome?

jeanie said...

Pictures of You is available on Audible from what I can see - as is The Last Love Note.

Jeanie said...

Hi Jeanie -- Pictures of You sounds very good. And I like the cover of the "library" book. Book clubs are tricky and it sounds like you found a really good one for you. I stopped going to mine because half the time we never really talked all that much about the book. And I have SO many already on the pile I want to read, reading other things -- though sometimes quite worthwhile -- takes away from that.

jeanie said...

We do go a little off piste but discuss the book and other things being read and the world we live in but it's only once a month.

Jeanie said...

Hi again, Jeanie. Sorry you were having trouble commenting. Two of the three came through. I do moderate, so sometimes (especially after I've turned off the computer!) they don't get posted till the next day. But only two of four came through. Not sure what that's all about (or how to check for that matter) but at least some worked! Anyway, just wanted to let you know and didn't have email addy to reply.

jeanie said...

I eventually worked that out as I hit Publish the FOURTH time - d'oh!!

All Brite Chem-Dry said...

Being in the carpet cleaning industry, I see a lot of homes and a lot of bookshelves. I always try to ask for a book recommendation from everyone I meet. These look good. Any others you'd recommend? Thanks for sharing.

jeanie said...

Hello there All Brite Chem-Dry - I at first was going to delete you as span and then thought "hang on, I have a friend in the same game and it is an intelligent comment rather than the spammy drivel so no, person behind there". There are so many good books, both bookshelfy type ones and ones that I have consumed through audio - I love that this is an option these days. What do you like is a good starting point.