Thursday, November 09, 2023

Evening Rituals

In our house I have discovered how prone I (we) are to creating patterns of behaviour.

Is that also other people's lived experience?

16 years ago I enrolled 'Salina into guides (Proof) and the quick and easy dinner that I KNEW she would eat was Mexican, and Guides was Tuesdays and next thing is that we have had Taco Tuesday for at least 48 weeks every year (a conservative estimate) and over 770 TTs later.

Among Paris's many unique and unblogged traits is one that shapes another of my nightly routines.

She is somewhat reluctant to sleep.

My life has alarms and reminders set throughout the day.

  • Call Mum and Dad.
  • Five minutes to in the car for school/work. 
  • Get in the car NOW. 
  • Teams meetings and deadlines. 

You get the picture.

After the 6 alarms between dinner and Uno and lights out, you might think that I had an unstructured period of time.

But you would be wrong.

Thanks to our unwelcome visitors Anxiety and Insomnia, my domain is somewhat limited to the immediate region of the living room couch.

Resultantly I browse, I play sexaginta quattuordle and I investigate a bit more family history. Sometimes I nap.

And occasionally I blog.

And then she is asleep and so I can go get some sleep. For a few hours. If I am lucky.

What do you do?


  1. In this house, we have been greatly assisted by magnesium. Until the insomniac decided that he's sleeping well and no longer needs it. Men. Honest to pete, they are as frustrating as ginger cats sometimes.

  2. There are good nights, and bad nights. Being a pray-er, that's usually what I do. But one of the things I've always found fun (and often productive as far as bringing on sleep) is to imagine myself walking through the house I grew up in, from room to room, remembering sights and sounds. Or... it might be a walk through my elementary school, remembering which teachers were in which rooms. Recently it was a recollection through my secondary school years, trying to remember which classes (and teachers) I had!

  3. Oh there may be a touch of the Ginger Cat in all of us Debby!! As you know, I can fall asleep at the drop of a hat (staying asleep in the early hours is my issue) but both V and Paris are using Melatonin - although goodness help us when she misses her tablet in a timely fashion (that is one of the six alarms).
    Great idea, Kelly - that brings to mind a recurring dream that I have, so maybe its already incorporated.

  4. Your post was a delightful exploration of the topic. Thanks for sharing!


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Mr Spam, your comments will be regarded as fodder...