Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Looking on the bright side

Another fantastic day in paradise - bah humbug...

I thought I yesterday went rather well, all considered - actually pat myself on the back as I hadn't turned into the bitch from hell which happens on the occasional 4th Tuesday.

Ha - it seems it was being sneaky to pounce on me today...

On the flipside - I have decided to channel all the rage at the world (you know, people or events being happy or sad or just being) and focus it onto the house - sort of take it on 50s style.

Heck - and I am not even doing it for State glory.

I hope to be in a happier mood (and have a much cleaner house) in the future.


Jay said...

Wow, that house is about to get it's butt kicked!

jeanie said...

Thanks Jay - one room has been whipped so far...

Brissiemum2 said...

Hmmmmm....and when you finish on your house you are welcome to come and attack mine cause there's no way I could even muster that sort of energy! :)

OhTheJoys said...

Here's to a windfall of cash and a cleaning service!

jeanie said...

ha ha bm2 - I have had that offer from many - hmmmm - one way to make money from my own misery!

joys - if someone would pay me I would indeed be entitled to a large windfall of cash...