Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Using the sunlight of others to guide me...

Yet another 3.30am start here - getting boring. The worst bit really about insomnia is not the lack of sleep, its the lack of energy come 9am - you know, when I should be DOING STUFF!!!

Still, I have put it to good use this morning. Yessirree - I have me a list already (shhhh for those who may say its really yesterday's list that didn't get done) and I have found my silver lining.

We don't have daylight savings - so really, that is 4.30 in those deluded Southern states - which I have moved into my "acceptable times to be awake" category of late.

In New Zealand, it is 6.30 - that is a really reasonable time, I could just pretend to be Kiwi (except I would feel all funny about losing my vowels like that).

Its 10.30 yesterday morning where V's mum is, so I can imagine a whole 'nother day at my disposal.

Its 7.30 last night where 'Salina's grandpa lives with a good night's sleep in front of him...

Thank goodness for the internet where I found those silver linings - because the howler from the North done blown away all the clouds and its far too dark a sky to find anything!!


Nikki aka Widdle Shamrock said...

Fush un Chups !!!

Jayne said...

I was up and wide awake at 3am if that makes you feel any better/sleepier? lol

BB said...

Must've been the wind making us all keep freaky hours last night? *yawn*
Ticked the only thing off my list today: dive 700km. Check.

Debby said...

Do you ever get the urge to smack your sister?

No special reason for asking...

BB said...

What do you mean Debby? I am just delighted I managed to NOT clean up any trucks heading north today. Jeanie ticked off a few extra things than she is letting on!!!:-)

Anonymous said...

Love your logic, Jeanie! I might just use that when the insomnia attacks me at the other end of the evening. Although listening to one's beloved snoring is.. not good.. no matter what time of the day I can imagine myself being in some other part of the world!