On Monday, there was going to be a round-up of our whirlwind visit to Vegas (Bris-), some yarns about some of the characters we know down there and a hugely hilarious (in hindsight) adventure involving a trip to the museum, a non-city driver, one-way streets and the subtleties of pre-teens taking the proverbial out of their non-plussed chauffeur.
On Tuesday, it was going to be an update on the house of lurgy, and how that trip had included the discovery that we were not sadistic enough parents to be truly successful at nose-sucking.
On Wednesday, there was going to be a very quick something JUST to get a post out there - it probably would have involved either a recipe for Chocolate Hedgehogs (and how I am unfortunately TOO GOOD at making them) or a witty 'Salina moment (aren't they all).
Yesterday, it was going to be all about the 150 day mark...
And here we are today - and I have my
While she was an angel for the first 4 months about sleeping at night (surprising me that such babies existed in nature when she was 8 weeks old), for the last month she has not been quite as compliant.
She has fought a hard fight with oral thrush which we SERIOUSLY hope we have kyboshed this round - we lifted our foot off the pedal a little early last go round and it came back. I think that has had a major impact on her sleep (and spews and general demeanour).
Paris has also been on anti-biotics for the last week, as our visit to Brisbane co-incided with her getting her first head-cold. As her sister was a terror with such things galloping to ear infection, I subjected her (and V) to the torture that is saline solution squirts and sucks for the nose. It has answered a few questions in my mind about those rogue nurses who seem to delight in pain - it must be acquired from having to do such things to patients.
The good news is we didn't end up with an ear infection (and pink medicine). The bad news is we did end up with a lung infection (and white medicine).
As a result, she now understands hypocrisy (yummy medicine, nom nom) and physical humour (you gotta laugh when the yellow medicine gets raspberried).
As a result, we will have to contemplate shopping for a high chair in the next few days. Last go round, 'Salina's uncle found a very old high chair during council cleanup and it was "improved" for free... It certainly took out the decision-making.
I know that I will never be that all-singing, all-dancing 1950s housewife, but I must admit a little humming did pop out while doing the groceries with her the other day...
Anyhow - baby noises mean that my time here is done - "see" you all soon...
So good to catch up with your latest, esp. photos of your gorgeous girls! Hope the lurgies disappear pronto. Good luck when Ms P really gets moving!!!
Aww - your girls are gorgeous!
I wish that I had kept a journal when my kids were small, in those days before blogging. How lucky that you have a way to capture these small moments that would have otherwise been lost. How lovely it will be for you and your girls, years from now, to be able to look back and remember these days once again.
Oh you are looking wonderful - sleepless nights and all.
My good friend in Melb swore by the hug-a-bub. I never had anything like that for MissM, but this time around a friend gave me her old Baby Bjorn, which she had been given 2nd hand. Anyway I just love it! Best thing for grocery shopping etc., I wished I had one for MissM but never wanted to part with such an expense! It would've been worth it in hind sight. MissL is now starting to get a little heavy for me to be in it for more than an hour so I do my grocery shopping super quick!
Gorgeous photos, I love baby updates, keep them coming!
Time is speeding by.
ditto on the photos
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