Thursday, May 16, 2024

Pre-dawn musings before a drive

 I am not a fan of being cold.

I didn't waken that way however. I woke up hot from too many covers and in a strange bed (at Mum and Dad's place).

I am over here because the long awaited road trip is finally looking like all ducks align (crossing as many bones as possible).

My mind then switched to grinding on whatever subject handy rather than putting itself back to sleep mode - and through throwing off the hot covers am now shivering despite piling them all back on.

Insomnia has been known to plague me, and generally at home I will get up and do it sleep eludes after a certain amount of time. I don't have that luxury here.

From the bed, however, I have planned potential routes for the road trip ahead with Dad.


Kelly said...

I tend to wake up earlier than necessary most mornings and I've found I can get a lot accomplished via my phone during that time.