Sunday, March 02, 2025

March Tides

See what I did there?

I love words with different meanings.

I also love it when nature is entertaining, although I must admit that I err on the side of gentle and kind rather than horror or suspense.

I love it when old friends or relatives gather and there is good food and warm conversation on offer and the hospitality genuine.

I love it when conundrums and road blocks make way for pathways and solutions in my workplace.

I love it when you find the right words coming out of the right mouths when you are looking for answers.

I love it when you find proof of lives lived long ago with characters and imagined decades of life between.

I love finding people to whom I can say (or rather, write) "I did look at that entry - widower on the 1957 voyage aged 29 with teenage children all able to work? Yes, the Cornwall Roman Catholic bits made me think again.

Then again, my carpenter from Enniskillen or Tyrone other vague references came on a voyage from Liverpool, so anything is possible."

(Edit - it was Devonshire and C of E - apologies to my correspondent)


Today would be the 106th birthday of my numerically challenging relative who is 100% shrouded in mystery from any living person's viewpoint.

Thanks to BDM Qld we discovered that she existed - and then she vanished. Her birth was the last piece of paper ever on her mother - and her father was unknown.

Until the magic of DNA provided not only clues to what happened next but who it happened with.

And then a chance detail in an email made an amateur detective have an aha moment and suddenly a hidden history of 20 years of a whole family, and hopefully the happier last third of my great-grandmother's and great-great-uncle's life.

I love we got a reasonably good drying day today - earlier in the week it had promised foul.

Of course, the flipside still remains. Alfred may indeed keep to forn with some "I'm not going to do what I am told" defiance and dump a load of wind and water where it is not wanted. 

I do wish that I had the power to point weather. Even if you had to use reverse psychology on it.

Anyhow, here's the cat. How's your March going?