Tuesday, May 27, 2008

A Historical Essay whereby Miss Jeanie discovers her lack of style...

The year was 1979. The month September. The event - a dinner at family friends for no good reason.

My grandmother, Grandma Mart, had just sent us some new clothes. She was an excessively cool grandmother and often spoilt us, her only grandchildren "just because".

Amongst the treasures she had procured was an outfit I fell in love with. It was red. It was textured. There were puffy long pants elasticised top and bottom. There was a long sleeved top with elastic at the wrists and a tie at the neck. It was stylish. It was mine - and I wore it with pride.

When we arrived at the friend's house for dinner, one of my best friends, W, took one look and asked "why are you wearing pyjamas?"

I have never forgotten the lessons.

I should always doubt my taste.

I should not try to set trends.

Lingerie is not a foreign word for stylishly beautiful.


Anonymous said...

ROFLMAO. That is TOOOO funny. We had something similar happen here a few years back. A local business gave it's customers boxer shorts as a Christmas gift. One farmer decided they were "shorts" and wore them everywhere with pride. LOL. They were satin and all!!!!

Debby said...

Last summer, I was looking for a comfortable pair of sneakers. (I walk lots in my work.) So, looking at the clearance table, I found a pair of white leather Adidas for only $19.99. I tried them on and not only were they a perfect fit, they were very comfortable. I was quite pleased with my find and bought them. Cara was beside herself. They were 'boy's' sneakers. I still wear them. I still can't tell the difference. I imagine everyone else can, though. Mostly because Cara runs on about it.

Anonymous said...

Hahahahaha, Oh, the love....

Anonymous said...

oh dear - very funny but I guess humiliating for you at the time.

Ps something odd -won't let me publish but I am signed in to blogger ...argh

Trish LDB

jeanie said...

lol Lightening - it must be a farmer thing, hey?

Debby - I think if it gives comfort there should be NO SHAME.

Alice - I still feel it nineteen years on.

Trish - I hate it when blogger does that to me.

Julie Pippert said...

Isn't it amazing how one silly comment can deflate our happy balloon?

I have decided in my advancing years that I no longer give a whatswho about it LOL.

Ironically I am now considered more stylish LOL.

Maude Lynn said...

I bet that you looked adorable!

Isn't it weird how a comment like that can stick with you for years and years?

Crazed Nitwit said...

WE want pictures!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

But I loved the way that outfit sounded! I once wore an outfit I loved that wasn't pyjamas, I promise, but somebody said exactly that to me, 'I thought you had pyjamas on.' I proceded to show him just how unpyjama-like my clothes were, but it was ruined for me. I could never wear them again.

Alison said...

My kids regularly wear their pj's in public. I am still trying to figure out why I can't get away with the same fashion statement.
I guess some of us were just never meant to be fashionable.

I think the outfit sounds fabulous.

Anonymous said...


I prefer to assume that everyone around me is fashionistically-challenged... :-P

Lavinia said...

You were simply ahead of your time! Haven't you heard, underwear is the new outerwear!

Melody said...

A head of your time maybe? LOL!!! Love to see a photo - sounds stunning...*smirk*...

Tracey said...

I still cringe at the memory of some of the clothes I wore when I was a teenager. Such a dag! I blame my mother of course.

Insane Mama said...

Oops, my grandma has given me some "interesting" articles of clothing and I have worn them all, when maybe I shoouldn't have.

Anonymous said...

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! I can laugh because I wore smocked frocks and knee highs. It's good to have a kindred spirit.

Brissiemum2 said...

Baaaahaaaaa! I bought a top on a throw out at Target. I was black and had a lovely white flower on one side...very subtle. Made of tshirt material. I wore it proudly until I chanced by the tag under the bed which read....ladies pyjamas! Who on earth sells pjs in separate pieces!?

jeanie said...

therapydoc - I thought so.

julie - that is the look I am trying to achieve.

mama zen - I can still feel the burning inside so easily.

crazed mom - it was the 70s, my parents had been parents for years and processing was expensive so nothing remains but the memories.

Hilary - there sounds like more of a story there than I have offered here... ?

Alison - I know, what happened in the few years I was a child where it wasn't okay to wear PJs to your peers houses?

nomesquelife - keep me around and that thought is true!

lavinia - sigh. Story of my life - always one step out of whatever trend is coming.

Melody - I was a second child. I have only seen several photos of myself looking cute - the rest have been disposed of thoughtfully or were never taken.

Tracey - yep, thank goodness for mothers who will take blame. Or grandmothers. But darn it, now we are blessed with daughters you wish there was more to the role than just blame.

insane mama - I have a story about the same grandmother's gifts (later in life) and cleaning a fish pond.

Tiff - is there something wrong with smocking and knee highs?

oh Brissiemum2 - I really think something should be done with pyjama labelling - either emblazen it so we who feel the style will realise or stay stum about it, hey?