Mother, lover, poet, wife, part-time procrastinater, daughter, sister, auntie, cook, cleaner (ha ha ha), programmer, writer... Feminist Pegger. Aspiring to excel at all, but enjoying the training life is throwing my way!
To contact me, email "jeanieinparadise at yahoo dot com" - without the quotes or spaces of course!
Wow is right.
I LOVE cloud watching.
Good spotting, Salina. I love that kids see what we look past.
Oh wow. That's beautiful. Nice catch Salina.
I love it when one of mine gets excited about the sunset.
Doesn't it look like a hug?
Very cool!
Wow, Salina's got a great eye for photography!
And the cloud totally rocks, too :P
Fabulous!!! I shall get Salina to show her this immediately... THAT's my neice!!! Heh.
Deb, you typed exactly what I said when I saw this great cloud formation!!!
Salina says: THanks guys for all the great comments!
(As transcribed by BB, who is currently having Salina for a few sleepovers!)
If you tried to dream that up and paint it from an imaginary memory, it would not be close to what you saw and photographed.
Amazing indeed.
Wonderful. Yes, a hug indeed. Beautiful.
Thank you for sharing - it is a beautiful image!
Truly magnificent.
I love sky watching.
Can I steal that first shot and use it as a desktop photos?
Please please please
Speechless is right.
Wow. Can't wait to get my son a camera.
Ms. Single Mama
Gorgeous pictures. I love watching the sky.
Amazing sky!
That is very cool - good job 'Salina!
I guess 'Salina takes after Aunty BB, she has captured what she saw beautifully :-)
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