We were discussing the philosphy of it on the way in to town today. I was a little blue this morning, having a lovely mental beat up about what I have done, should have done, could have done, should be doing, etc, etc - about this baby transitioning from unborn status.
On top of that is the tick-tick-tick of worries that maybe this baby wants to stay put for a reason - and please, never go into an overly pregnant woman's worry sector because it is a dark and horrible place.
V is scoring an A+ on sensitive guy at the moment, and after an hour or so forbearance took me out of the house for a drive to collect the booty from the raffle.
I came back in a better frame of mind (and a few bargains from a few op shops - cheap therapy) - still haven't silenced those insideous little voices, but at least they are back in some context.
Anyhow - you didn't get full-term photos because - well, because you didn't - so here is one
and here are 41week 2day photos...
Can hardly tell I am pregnant, can you?
Oh - that...
Oh Jeanie, you must be over it by now. (Actually, I thought you were doing REALLY well leading up to the 40 weeks - I was always 'over' it by about week 36! But you're not the first one to be "overdue", and won't be the last, and I've not heard any 'orrible stories about 'there being reasons'. So there!! You'll be FINE!
You are GORGEOUS, even over it.
At least it's quiet where it is.
(BAD Rhubarb)
You 'do' 41 weeks 2 days pregnant with much more style and grace than I could manage at 37 weeks with Feral Beast, you're gorgeous ;)
Now...about that crate of champers...
Well it CAN'T be long now can it???? :) You are a beautiful shape!!! Wish I looked like that when I was about to pop!
Pop. Now that reminds me of champagne. How about you Jayne?
Jeanie, it is a trying time, but like all trying times, it will end. Cara herself was nearly two weeks late. To make matters worse, my mother in law had come from Florida, and after the first week, my father in law was calling every day begging her to come home. She was anxious for me to get the show on the road so that she could go. It was a stressful time. Got even more stressful when she went home. Turned out the father in law only wanted her home so badly because he'd finally decided to tell her about the other woman. He'd already moved his stuff out.
Oh, and I forgot to say about Cara. Labor began at precisely 10 PM and by 4:15 I had a 10 lb 4 oz girl. Once she made up her mind to get here, she got right to it.
You are totally divine.
Don't worry about being late, nobody told the baby ...who has a day picked out for arrival!
It's auspicious....
You look gorgeous Jeanie, you're making me miss my belly :)
You folk are the best set of commenters ever - I should invite you into my living room more often.
More than happy to provide you with the midwives brew recipe!!! Twitter me in the morning (my morning not yours)
Hahahahahah - WV is OUTBIE (how very apt)
Ah... this is your BONUS time Jeanie. This baby is going to be a bit of a whopper though, I'm thinking. P'raps all the size will be in its feet though?
And while we are looking forward to meeting this little drama prince/princess, we are having a nice time playing at Granite Glen (and in your comments column) while we await his/her much-anticipated arrival.
Love heaps
PS Chardy is on ice and the crackers and brie are fresh.
Put your feet up and ignore it....typical child it will make his/her appearance just to be centre stage lol.
Ah I so remember those dark days when I was waiting for my last one to arrive... I'd been so zen and 'baby will come whenever it's ready' right up till about 41 weeks and 4 days then I got all 'I suck at having babies, I should not be allowed to get pregnant' etc etc..... thinking of you!
Thinking of you. Hoping this baby is ready for the world soon.
You do look gorgeous, although I know a very pregnant lady does not want to hear that at all.
Hang in there.
Ha, my first two babies were a week late, and my third was ten days late. All was well. I LOVED being pregnant, even in the end stages. Maybe you'll have a snuggler!
As for "shoulds" that word "should" be banished from the English language. The little one will come when he or she is ready. Until then, relax, watch movies, read books, and wait.
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