The bump probably didn't appreciate the steam burn I gave it last night (note to self - time and motion strategies must be employed in the kitchen with proper workplace health and safety regulations... or don't try to hold a vege steamer under one arm against the bump when bending down to get some tongs out of drawer).
I was at the school most of the day yesterday (and the day before) - my hips have started to mention that it might not be the best idea to stand up for most of it.
After today and tomorrow, that is IT for the volunteering at the school. I am meant to be at the official graduation of the Year 7 class on Tuesday and the Concert is on Wednesday where I am meant to do a speech, but that is surely incentive enough to contemplate having the baby earlier than the end of term! Lesson for young players - find a post to hide behind when you go to P&C AGM meetings...
V had a shocker yesterday - he didn't go to work as concrete was being poured on site, so he decided to be Mr Handyman. Its not a natural role for him, but he is stoic about undertaking such when he sets his mind to it (and has done all of the research and has the right tools).
First he decided to do the yard - snakes are turning up a bit too regularly in the cat's playtime regime. He and the whippersnipper had 10 minutes of joy together - and then the whippersnipper decided that a main part would just fall off.
So he then decided to concentrate on the plumbing. He had to dig down to the water mains, as the council apparently feel that 20cm of mud is ideal for covering such things. The second tap he went to fix the washers on decided that rather than unscrew where the screw bit was, it would far rather snap at the connection to the post - and do so right through the tap, indicating the tap was actually weaker than the screws holding it on (and indeed weaker than the thread)...
After a trip into town for another whippersnipper, new fittings and advice from the plumbing shop, he returned, fixed that and moved onto the upstairs taps. The kitchen washers are apparently very safe - behind the tiles and a good few inches behind the wall. There were 10 minutes there where I had to cover my ears.
He turned the water back on and all worked wonderfully well - except for the new fitting on the busted tap, which blew off immediately - and every time he tried for the next hour.
Luckily it eventually worked AND the new whippersnipper did enough jungle clearing out the back for him to be able to feel that some of his efforts weren't for nought.
'Salina and he did the Christmas tree last night (I have a "not until December" rule imposed in this house and I AM the Christmas dictator) and balance was restored in the universe.
Of course, it is now alternately bucketing down and threatening to bucket down here which may kybosh swimming at school and therefore impact on the smooth running of our Pizza Day for the kids (we were going to have it so well organised, with only 1/2 the school there at a time... Wet day rules = ratty kids...) Rain also means that V won't be working today, so I might gently nudge the vacuum cleaner into his line of sight.
Baby is far better off in utero for another day or so (if it listens to its mother). We have organised for 'Salina (well, 'Salina and her friend have organised) a sleepover on Saturday night and then Mum is here from Sunday, so as long as I get my Christmas shopping squared away we are almost organised to have another child!!!
Wow - what happened in that last week? You have POPPED big time... how are the cankles going?
Tell V well done for hanging in through the challenges that are the lot of the handyman... nice that he thought to give you something to blog about!! So thoughtful...
And yes. ENOUGH with the volunteering... time for some others to step up to the plate!
PS I am 'sqeeeeeing' with excitement for the arrival of the Being Formerly Known as The Bump.
Ooooh. Bloggy Auntie. I like the sounds of that! I'm excited too. Could be any minute now. BB's right too. Yeeyow. Looks like that little mugwump has had a growth spurt. Why don't you have an contest to choose the sprout's blog name? Or have you got a couple already picked out?
Oh, and congrats to all of you on the rain! That's surely good news.
No Deb, we really don't need a baby 'any minute now' thanks. Monday will be juusst fine thanks.
Yep, whippsnippers are built to fall apart at every 56th revolution of the whippersnippery head.
You're seriously going to put your feet up soon, aren't you?!
'Salina just gets more and more beautiful :)
I'm exhausted just reading about that day - and I wasn't there, nor 39 weeks pregnant! I can't believe V had the energy to do the tree after all that as well.
Please put your feet up and relax STAT!
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