Tuesday, April 23, 2024

I Can't Drive 55

Remember when pen-pals were a thing?  

At boarding school a fad went around in 1983-ish whereby a certain magazine in the library had an advertisement towards the back of a completely legit international company that specialised in connecting young people to like-minded penpals for a very reasonable rate - and young ladies at the establishment flocked at the chance.

Of course, we all wanted a cute 16 year-old boy (added bonus enough brains to be engaging).

There was one girl  in our class who did receive such a penpal - I still remember her name,(but alas his is lost to the annals of time).

But apparently the odds were not in my favour - as the majority of applicants were 14 year-old girls looking for cute 16 year-old boys.

Nearly everyone was slightly disappointed.

But I ended up with 2 decent girls - one French who shared my name, and one US girl who shared tapes and introduced me to US music.

Unfortunately my follow-through with long-term projects could be dated from that point. I am to blame. I kept meaning to send a reply... I am not sure who sent the final missive but I should have still made an effort.

Anyhoo. That wasn't what I was going to write.

I had a fully developed concept of how THAT title was to smoothly segue into giving you an adventure of cake.

I had an RDO yesterday and went to my happy place, playing in the kitchen.

  • I made cupcakes. 
    • Gluten-free Carrot and Pineapple Cupcakes
    •  Pecan Carrot and Chocolate Cupcakes
The icing is cream cheese, butter, pure icing sugar, vanilla, lemon juice and lime juice.

Not a redeeming feature in sight. (And oh look -jeanieVision TM)

But alas twas not to be.

We  had one each at work today. (We = my corridor and the next over - including payroll. You gotta include payroll!) - we did!

Enjoy one with your cuppa.



BB said...

You know, they photograph better OUT of the containers! Haha. Bet they were YUM (you are such a good cook!). Happy birthday btw. x Your big sister.

Kelly said...

So it's your birthday? Best wishes!! (and I'm laughing at BB's comment)

I had a pen pal from Japan that I got through the Rotary Club. Even now I have a penpal from Wales who I met through blogging and Instagram!

jeanie said...

Thanks BB. That would have required foresight and more hands than I had available.
Thanks Kelly. I keep meaning to write back.