Friday, April 19, 2024

Part of the Team

 As you may know, I am loathe to talk about my work. 

For many, many, many years, I was a temp, which was a fun career adventure trek until it was no longer fun. Mind you, it was the "it was no longer fun being a temp" was mildly better than the sheer dissolution (desolation) of hope that was "my first real full-time job in decades" lobbed hand-grenade. Shudder.

But this job. Chef's kiss in so many ways. I get to help people on several levels who can't rely on help elsewise. I get to use the mathematical and problem solving skills that excite my brain. And I get to work surrounded by a  bunch of wonderful people.

If only there were 2 of me. Or even 1.5.

And we were both paid more.


Kelly said...

What a dream.... working in a situation where it must not feel like work!

Jeanie said...

My Dad used to say "do what you love and you will never work in your life".
It still feels like work, but it is not the sort of work where you rue your time.
(in fact, no time to rue at all)